
BABA'S WORLD is the official website of Theo Martins.

An artist whose work eludes all attempts at categorization, Martins works ranges from product design, print media, sculpture, and architectural interventions, to narrative films, sound, single and multi-channel video works, installations, and live performance. Martins has starred in various acclaimed independent films and written and recorded various albums.

Posture Walking Club began in 2012, taking its inspiration from Theo's origins: Providence, Rhode Island, a sleepy coastal town just off the Atlantic Ocean and Lagos Nigeria, the heart of West Africa.

Cereal & Such began in 2017 as a cereal bar with a specific focus on sourcing rare and special edition cereals. Martins soon began developing a signature cereal flavor, along with its packaging and accessories. Intentional and artisanal, our cereal is made by hand each and every time.